Joseph Noonan-Ganley

Our Bed With Friends

18th January 2024, 6.30-8pm

On the occasion of Joseph Noonan-Ganley’s current exhibition Our Bed we have invited three artists, George Bularca, Avril Corroon, and Adam Gallagher to share work as part of this performance, reading and screening event. 

George Bularca, Untitled (NINNBTS), 2022

George Bularca is a Romanian artist currently living in London. He is interested in problems arising from a mediatised world and how we develop this condition as it remakes us in return. He cooks, she writes, they dance.

Avril Corroon's work examines inequity and how architecture manifests governance. She has made cheese from toxic mould, collected 1800L of dehumidifier water and performed on a city rooftop as the Airbnb logo.

Avril Corroon, Got Damp, 2023, installation at Project Arts Centre, Dublin

Adam Gallagher, Snap time! (Group of 10 on robot vacuum), 2023, installation in Devoted to Life 3, TG, Nottingham

Adam Gallagher is an artist from and based in London who is attempting to salvage his faith in the context, industry and history of Art.